Ascending From Beneath Ancient Sands – Featuring Great Sand Dunes In Southern Colorado


In this video I show a small collection of photos I took on my last visit to that area a few days ago. This place isn’t far from my home, a little over an hour drive. The music I composed for this picture video and I named it Ascending From Beneath Ancient Sands.

This is an image of Mount Blanca, one of the shorter of the Forteeners
In this image, you can see the Sand Dunes just above the trees and below the Rocky Mountains in the back
A beautiful shot of the Great Sand Dunes
A close up shot of the Dunes partially covered in snow
Another good shot of the Dunes as they meet the mountains
The other end of the Dunes as they meet the San Luis valley floor
An awe inspiring look at the dunes and the Sangre De Cristo part of the Rocky mountains
This shot was looking upward toward the Sangre De Cristos
One final beautiful shot of Mount Blanca before we head out
I captured this photo on the way home just about 30 minutes from the house of rain/snow clouds across the Upper Rio Grande valley

Hope you enjoyed my photos and video!!!

Be sure to check out my latest single Let Go, now on sale at all online retailers and on all streaming services!!!

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