
This week’s theme had me thinking and coming up with several ideas, from an older original tune, to a few covers, but I really just wanted to jam on the guitar. I have a lot less time for the internet or much else 5 days a week aside from my job working overtime at a dispensary.

I am more or less a black pilled sorta guy. I hope and hope for humans to improve but we usually even fuck that up. So in my humble opinion, we should not hope for a better world in our lifetime. We should perhaps be the best we can, treat others well, be kind and generous without being a door mat. Use the golden rule and understand that you don’t understand.

Well, these are my thoughts and I came up with a rather melancholic sort of guitar jam, I hope you enjoy!


This week I decided to play yet another song that seems like my dearly departed wife Monica speaking to me. It is from a band with only one album and will only ever have one album because the vocalist Aleah Stanbridge was dying from cancer during the recording of the album. The album as a whole is a gut wrenching piece of Doom Metal as you can tell Aleah was pouring her heart and soul into this, her final work, along with her husband, and one of the guitarist for Swallow The Sun, Juha Raivio.

I hope you all enjoy my rendition of this piece.


This week, for the theme of emotion, I figured I could play just about anything music oriented, because music is sheer emotion, perhaps with the exception of music made by artificial means, like computers. So, I decided to play the latest cover I learned, Damien Rice’s “Cannonball” and for good measure, I closed the song out with some improvised guitar. I hope you enjoy!


This week I was able to tap my daughter to do a song with me, in honor of this week’s theme.

My daughter Carmilla is truly a music lover and out of all of my kids, she and I do share musical taste the most. I have been wanting to do this song with her for some time and now I am pleased to finally get it out there for you guys.

Omnia is a Pagan band who plays folk music, hence the term Pagan Folk. This song really hits at the moment, to me, because Summer is slowly leaving us and after our monsoon season, it will be Autumn and the cold begins to set in.

I will miss the Summer and her Sun, but I hope to live to see the Summer sun again soon. I hope you enjoy our performance!


I named this instrumental Disillusioned From Afar because of the theme of the week, Prejudice. Prejudice is a sad fact of human nature and it is, I believe, something we cannot eliminate. Trying to get rid of prejudice has only led to creating more of it as we see with the woke BS all over the place. Even here on Hive and Steemit before it I have seen the bad habits of this rear its ugly head. The best we can do is try to empathize with others and not pass judgement over them based on any immutable aspects, such as race, ethnicity, language, or gender, and also other aspects such as religious or spiritual beliefs. We should really strive to understand that we all have our own struggles and when you get to know someone who is different or from another part of the world or sexual orientation, or whatever, often you will find that you have more in common that what separates you.

I also named it that because I moved out to the middle of nowhere years ago to try and escape what I now realize is human nature. I have since learned to accept people and just understand that it is fucked and there’s nothing we can do about it. Thus I am disillusioned from afar.


I came up with the name because it is a little hotter than usual this Summer… just a little, I kinda believe that the Earth might actually be more like a Hell, and not only is the temperature a bit hotter, but the social climate in our world between us humans has gotten way worse than the usual. So, I dedicate this piece to our world, for what it is, Hell.

I hope you enjoy!!!


I’m happy to announce my second single for this year. It is an instrumental piece that I believe I originally played on Hive Open Mic a while back as an improvisational piece. I decided to eventually schedule it for release, so here we are! I hope you enjoy!!!

So, consider following Morktra on Spotify and YouTube if you have not yet and check out my past catalog of music released over the years and be among the first to hear what I have coming next!

Peace! I hope you enjoy 🖤


 This song was released the year following the death of my wife Monica. She and I were in a wreck with a drunk driver and she was killed. The lyrics of this song seem like something a departed loved one would say to the special person that was left behind. It seemed like she was talking to me. There are a few songs out there like that and it is still sometimes hard to listen to this particular song. The theme this week seemed to be screaming at me to sing this for you guys. I hope you all enjoy!!!


Leaving the choirs behind to sing
Of anything fair, of lilac spring
A dream of truce behind my eyes
A life of journeys will unwind
Emergence through idle air
Born under a trouble sign
Will it hurt to see me find?
The long lost peace of mind
Darling, you had me here for a while
Breaks my heart to see you cry
In the wake of incomplete time
Darkness overthrows
Map of nowhere is in my hand
The roads are blurred, sojourners land
So take however long you want
(But don’t forget my love)
You’ve pledged yourself to come along
You’re lost in reveries
Holding back the tears
Faint sound of the wires
The butterfly is in the fire now
Lost in a memory you’re holding my hands
One heart is in the ground
The other is veiled in the silver all around
Born under a trouble sign
Will it hurt to see me find?
The long lost peace of mind
Darling, you had me here for a while
Breaks my heart to see you cry
In the wake of incomplete time


I was going to sing this week, but having injured my voice last week, I decided to skip singing until later in the week. So I chose to jump on my Gretsch hollow body electric and do some guitar work instead.

I named this one Accordance because here lately, I feel like I’m living in a more accordant state with my life in the moment and in acceptance of things that have transpired than I ever have. I hope this trend continues and that you enjoy this piece!!!